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I’m on the road to Alzheimer’s…and I bet you are too
In an earlier blog post, I reviewed a bestselling book by Dr. Dale Bredesen called The End of Alzheimer’s. Intrigued, I embarked on my own journey to see where I stand on the risk spectrum for developing Alzheimer’s later in life. It turns out that at only thirty-eight years of age, I am well on my way down that road and I am willing to bet that you are, too.
Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. — Aldous Huxley
The Facts
By some estimates, half of the people alive in the United States today can expect to develop Alzheimer’s within their lifetime. In the past twenty years, the number of women in America living with Alzheimer’s disease has increased by 228%. Alzheimer’s is the only leading cause of death in this country that cannot be prevented, cured or effectively treated.
But what if it’s not a disease at all? Perhaps the cure is not in a pill but rather, in knowledge and individual choice. People living with Alzheimer’s have experienced complete reversal of their symptoms, as evidenced by multiple studies.
Some scientists belive that by addressing and eliminating “neurothreats”, cognitive decline can be prevented and effectively treated. Unfortunately, some of these same scientists…